- with over 7,000 graduates in 60+ countries worldwide



     Diploma and Master Coach Courses - CONTENT.

   FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff

  Quantum Energy Life Coaching Course
  Quantum Energy Healing Therapy Course
  Executive Coaching Course  
  COURSES    Advanced Corporate Coaching Course 
   CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate    Wellness Coaching Course 
   LICENSING USE of Brand name, ICC Courses    NeuroCoaching Course   

Contact Faculty

   Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course

   Coach Trainer Accreditation Program
  1-1 Mentoring, Coach Training with Dr Zeus
   1to1, Private Coach Training


Contents: coaching licensing, coaching license, coaching franchise, coaching franchise opportunity, coaching partner program, business coaching licensing, executive coaching license, coaching licensing program, coaching franchise, coaching license, 





Go here for a License to provide ICC Accredited
 Master Coach and Diploma Coach
 Certification Courses








How to get ICC internationally recognized Accreditation for:  

-  General Course Trainers / Facilitators 

- Your Course/s 


- Coach Trainers and Free Rights of Use of Master Coach Course Content/Material  


30th Anniversary Special Dual Certificate (Master Coach
 & Dip.) Enrolment Course
Rates up to 50% OFF this semester only!
 Executive Coaching Course

NeuroCoaching Course













          For Qualified Training Providers* Register here to  
          become a Learning Partner / Exclusive Regional Licensee of the
          Institute's prestigious Coach Credentialing Courses


Go here to obtain rights of use for course content of the internationally recognized Master Coach Course (ICC Accredited*)! >>



*ICC Accredited Course Licensing Program ®
-For Elite Coach Training Providers..

"ICC Accredited" -is the only internationally recognized accreditation stamp of approval provided exclusively for workplace coach trainers with an industry focus. This highly valued confirmation of industry best practices and quality can only be conferred by an internationally recognized coaching body such as the ICC. 

International Coaching Council Accreditation

  • focuses on workplace coaching.
  • is a unique evidence-based program with a psychological foundation -this is the only world-wide program based on a thoroughly researched, expert-reviewed set of industry coaching competencies and best practices.
  • criteria for course entry/our selection processes -are rigorous and the highest in the field.
  • provides professional support by world leading coaching experts that enriches the quality of the training you (the provider/trainer) deliver.
  • also permits you to split the Master Coach Course into three levels:Professional (CPC), Masters Certified Coach (MCC) and Diploma level.

You can apply for entry into this ICC Accredited Program if you fall into one of these categories:

  • Existing or new training providers who believe that they can meet the Institute's required high standards of delivery. 
  • Businesses/Corporations who conduct internal training programs who believe they can meet BCI's required high standards of delivery.

Save valuable time and resources by acquiring BCI's elite CourseWare and at the same time obtain the highest level of professional accreditation via licensure. See: Benefits of BCI's unique Accreditation via licensure.

Select your below preferred Option Step then complete the Form (below this page) to start your application to join our Partners Program.

     Option 1: (see below page) - Class format Course Licensing:

 -EXAMPLE: The flagship Master Certified Coach Course can be presented as a series of seminars, half-day programs or a 4 Day workshop etc. For example; the course can also be re-formatted into two three courses --one introductory  level course (for a large group of persons) and two more advanced level course (for more experienced individuals). All course re-formatting must be first approved by BCI. 

Suitable for: 
- Organizations who wish to conduct the Masters Course in-house for their own people -and
                             provide an accountable, world-best standard coaching platform and the latest cutting-edge
                             coaching tools, methodologies and processes.

-  Business / People Development Businesses (educational providers etc)
                              -in non-English speaking countries that have an established successful position in their
                              territory/region) looking to train their clients in advanced coaching practice or/and train and
                              certify local external practitioners/service providers to become elite coaches. 

Highly qualified Individuals looking to join our International Faculty

   Option 2:   Licensing Online Format for Courses. >>..See: Online Licenses >        


  The Most Respected
  Global Brand in Coaching 



Leverage your success off a powerful, recognized global brand:

In response to the increasing demand for elite, professional-level coach education the Behavioral Coaching Institute is now accepting a limited number of applications from qualified persons/businesses/organizations to join a global network of Coaching Educational Partners.

To continue the migration of our courses around the world our preference is to establish an ongoing, strong business relationship with a few select highly qualified and well-positioned 'Learning Partners' per region.

The main objective for the development of this distributed provision is to allow advanced coaching education access to individuals and organizations around the world, who for reasons of geography or personal commitments would prefer to attend a Certified Master Coach Course closer to home (and in their language) rather than at one our central campuses in New York, London, Singapore etc.

 STEPS to obtain a BCI Regional Learning Partner License:
     -and deliver the world's elite Coach Credentialing Course in your territory.

1)  Submission of the 'Registration of Interest' Form below this page.

2)  Telephone Interview of the potential Partner's decision maker with BCI's Chairman (Perry Zeus). Only after a mutual successful interview will the application be submitted to the Institute's Selection Panel for approval.

3)  The Applicant's submission of a Formal Proposal to become a BCI Accredited Learning Partner to supply our Masters Course in an exclusive territory.

The Proposal should include a Business Plan -containing such items as: the applicant's training and personal or professional development experience, their corporate coaching and change management experience, a 2 year Marketing Strategy,
course venue details, number of courses to be conducted each year, amount of course customization to be performed by the Partner, whether the Masters Course would be split into 2 levels eg; Practitioner and Master levels to best fit the local market, Operational Budget and Staffing, expected number of students (Year 1 and 2), Course Fee Pricing, any Translation Tasks -and time period necessary to translate material etc. See below Annual License and Course Fee Royalty Split.

**Annual License plus the below Course Fee Royalty Split:
- License User Fee: P.O.A. Negotiable (according to territory/market size etc) Plus Gross Course (Student) Fee Royalty Split of 76:24  eg; 24% to BCI (negoatiable)

The Initial License fee
pays for; the assignment of a specific territory in which a license holder can deliver the Masters Course and any post-training telephone support. This fee is set according to the size of the assigned territory/market/country.
The Course Fee Royalty Program enables the license holder to continue use BCI brand names and the Masters Course. Note: Royalties are payable within 30 days after the conclusion of the Partner's Course events. 
c)  For Educational bodies-  P.O.A.
For Large Businesses who wish to run the course internally - License Fee P.O.A. (ie; according to the size of the internal market) -however there is no Course Fee Royalty.

4)  Upon the Applicant paying BCI the negotiated License Fee they will receive an 'Agreement in Principle' confirming them as a fully accredited Partner. 




For qualified parties involved in the business of People Development:
    -Licensing (becoming a Senior Learning Partner or Regional Learning Partner) of our Course/s

Our License Holders
are typically training providers and business development companies who represent the "best of the best" in their area of professional development. These qualified 'Partners' are typically existing providers, have a high local profile, a great reputation, proven facilitation and training skills, a strong existing customer relationships with companies that can benefit from the Institute's coaching educational products and a discriminating blue-chip client base who only want 'the best'. The 'Partners' also naturally possess the resources and ability to successfully market and organize the Courses within their market sector/region.

Territory -Licensing Opportunities :
-BCI already has a strong, well-established online marketing footprint and brand awareness in the world's larger English speaking countries. However, due to increasing world-wide demand for quality coach training we are now looking to sub-contract out the provision of the world recognized courses not only in our established markets but also to other new/emerging marketplaces.

Some possible regions currently under review include: some parts of the USA, parts of Europe, Middle East, South Africa, some territories in mainland China, South East Asia and some South American countries etc...

All Course content and marketing material (citing Zeus and Skiffington's and BCI's names and our copyrighted material and other trademarks etc) needs to be first approved by the Institute.

Some Further Notes:
1) The Partner is responsible for adapting the courses to the local language/cultural/business needs and re-naming the course/s  to best fit the local market conditions/demands. That said, the courses would still be a BCI accredited program.
The Partner is responsible for the development and management of their local marketing program to promote and sell the course in  their region. BCI will list the Course Provider's name and location/territory via our websites.
3) The Partner should possesses the necessary resources, budget and ability to provide the local marketing and enrolment of participants for Course/s within their exclusive region/country

-Next Step: -to discuss -simply complete the below form to arrange an initial telephone interview with the Institute.

Partnering Checklist: 

  • Partner/Alliance Checklist: -
    - Individual / Business that:: is successful in people development/training  and coaching.
    -  is interested in growing a new business unit alongside their existing business.
    -  employs qualified educators / trainers.
    -  ideally in a position of 'sustainable, competitive business advantage' in their marketplace
      is capable of building with BCI: Cooperative Development, Mutual Trust, Mutual Vision, Mutual Standards and Values, Mutual Goals/Objectives and Mutual benefit.

 -To discuss -simply complete the below form to arrange a telephone interview.




To discuss the Partnering License Program first complete the below Form...

    Step 1.  -Completion of the the below 'Registration of Interest Form' 
Step 2. -Follow-on Telephone Interview with our Dr Perry Zeus. Only after a mutual successful interview will the application be submitted to the Institute's Selection Panel for consideration.



  --  Yes! - Please call me to discuss.. 

Firstly, -have you or one of your group attended the Master Coach Course ? 

 1)  Learning Partner Program -Yes, I am interested in:
- Conducting / Licensing Use of the Master Coach and Diploma Coaching Courses (Class format) plus option to also deliver the Institute's first level course (Certified Professional Coach).
 - within your Organization  -or-
 - as a Business providing the Courses in a specific market sector/country 

- Do you currently provide/deliver any coach training or coaching courses?
-No   -Yes


Full Name :


Business Name:


Address & Zip :


State & Country :


Tel. (Biz & Home) #'s :



Email (Biz & Personal):



Your Position :


- and/or Title:

Owner               Vice President
Director             Manager           
President/CEO.      Other:



Decision Making Process:

I am the final decision maker.
I have influence in the decision making process.
I may make a recommendation for a purchase.
The Name of the Final Decision Maker is:  



Your Organization's Annual Revenue is approx':  


<$250 thousand   <$500K  $500k -1 million  $1-5 million
$5-10 million    $10-25 million  $25-50 million $50> million

Number of employees:      Years in Business:  

1. Please provide a short Professional Bio.
2. Brief description of your business: -for example if business: history,
 organizational structure, type of services/products provided, geography covered,
 marketing expertise etc .



Your Relevant Qualifications: 3. Your people development experience?
4. Your experience in managing training events?
 5. Your qualifications to present a course that has a psychological foundation etc.?
6. Please also provide 2 relevant references for yourself:



    7. What do you want to achieve through providing coaching educational services?
8. Which country/regions are you interested in targeting?
9. When are you looking to begin and do you have the requisite working capital required?
10. Would anyone else be working with you as an investor/partner?


  - Yes! -I have answered all of the above questions


Contents: Coach Coaching franchise and franchise, business coaching franchise

Services | Faculty | Certification |Courses Content | Registration Form | Books etc | Coaching Tools| Articles/News.