Contents: Master Certified Coach Course Modules, Master Certified Executive Coach course contents, Certified Master Coach Course, executive coaching course contents, Certified Professional Coach Course, business coaching, health coaching course, sport coaching course, coaching course, Executive Coaching Course, coaching module, coaching module contents, Certified Master Coach Course content, Executive Master Coach course, Master Certified Coach Course, behavioral coaching, coaching skills and knowledge, Certified Master Coach Program, Certified Executive Coach Course,  






How to get ICC Accreditation for:

 Course Facilitators
  Coach Trainers



  Dr Perry Zeus's








-World's first professional coach training course. Established 1994.




Diploma & Master Coach

 COURSES: Format & Registration Form        Executive Coaching Course   Fees
 CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate   High Performance Behavioral Coaching
 LICENSING of BCI Courses   Corporate Coaching Course  Fees
 FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff   Wellness Coaching Course 
  Kids & Parents Coaching Course 
  NeuroCoaching Course    Fees

 Private Mentoring with Dr Perry Zeus 

  Quantum Energy Coaching Course
  Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course
  Licensing BCI Coaching Courses

Coach Referral Services

  Accreditation for Trainers & Courses

Contact Faculty

  Private, 1to1  Coach Training


Overview and Contents of the Diploma in
Workplace / Executive Coaching
& Master Certified Coach Course Modules.

     About the Global Education Self-Study Program  
     The Advanced Certificate Program in Executive Coaching is designed by Dr Perry Zeus -the world’s foremost authority in Applied Behavioral Science Coaching in the Workplace and delivered by the Behavioral Coaching Institute’s (BCI) Graduate School of Master Coaches -the world's #1 School in Advanced Executive Coaching.

Being the world leader in behavioral coaching science, research, education and coach practice tool innovation, BCI is best positioned to offer cutting-edge knowledge, methodology and world recognized prestigious certification to the selected program participants.
  Registration Page








Evidence-based, cutting edge, science-based professional coaching in the workplace.  
Today’s workplace or executive coaching professional can no longer be constrained by specific schools of practice or a limited knowledge-set and outdated toolkit. A new “era of information” needs to be accessed and put in practice by every practitioner.

The Institute’s evidence-based, cutting-edge courses helps coaches learn more about today’s new, science-based knowledge and change models and how to apply them effectively.

The unique, internationally recognized, Executive Coaching Courses include how neuroscience has changed the coaching profession, body-brain-mind systems, genetic processes and how to become more “response-able” to clients. Topics including the latest neuro-behavioral workplace coaching practices are presented with case studies, intervention applications and the latest empirical research.

The courses go well beyond the typical analysis of behavior and emotions to reveal a subterranean world of neuro- and sociobiology that drives every person.

The masters-level and advanced diploma executive coaching courses provide an indispensable road-map and extensive toolkit for professional practitioners of all levels of experience with a limitless range of applications for all people.



  ONLINE : Self-Paced

  Diploma in Executive Coaching Course
 - Workplace, Executive Coaching.
 - Distance Learning: -Estimated 40-50 hours of course content and work -depending on the student’s available time frame and learning style. Similar course structure as MCC Course -but greater depth ie; underlying science.
"Dip Exec C."

Master Certified Coach (MCC) Course
 - Workplace, Executive Coaching.
 - Distance Learning:
Estimated 28-36 hours of course content and work -depending on the student’s available time frame and learning style.
"M.C.C." awarded.


Certification forwarded to student upon completing course.
No assessment or further hours required as this is an invitational self-study program for qualified, busy professionals who do not have time to waste.
No set start or completion date!

  Go here for Corporate Coach Course >

Note: Diploma Program for coaching Senior Organizational Leadership. Also Includes Executive Coaching Course Content (Dip. + MCC Certification)








Master Certified Coach Course

Helping People Fulfil their Potential and move to their Next Level..

Overview and Contents

Change Tools and Empirically Validated Interventions...for Building a Better Tomorrow

To gain insight, clarity and choice in behavior to move to the next level in development and performance..

This easy to follow, step-by-step, accelerated credentialing course provides you the latest scientific evidence and toolkit how to change behaviors (what people do or say) that enhance productivity, creativity, greater resilience, well-being and help people move to their next level.

Behavior-based (evidenced-based) coaching is a third wave psychological approach (looking forward and not backward) to achieving sustainable behavioral change in a short time frame.

The operating principles of behavior based coaching ('behavior' derived from the term 'behavioral' sciences) go beyond the limiting but helpful theory of behaviorism or behavioral psychology and have been developed over recent years primarily from the field of evidence based psychology, neuroscience and brain-based learning. Dr Zeus's Behavioral Coaching Institute (our parent organization) is internationally recognized as the leader in building the next generation of behavioral change coaching models and diagnostic tools.  

Who Can Benefit from the Credentialing Course?
The Course’s training and approach will be of benefit to HR and L&D professionals, leadership and executive coaches, organizational psychologists, organizational change agents, educators, counselors, individuals interested in personal and professional development, executive coaching, leadership coaching and business coaching.

The Online Training consists of four extensive modules (over 700 pages). Learning objectives of the modules is provided below.

How to increase your capacity to create safety, openness, engagement and learning in the coaching setting.
Recognize the qualities in the relationship that you have with your clients that lead to a more positive coaching impact.
Understand the Neuro-Behavioral Change Inquiry approach and the Skills & Coaching Map.
How to bring the client into the present moment, be centred and relaxed.
How to offer space and attentiveness for the client to experience and see themselves authentically.
Create space to experience emotions, investigate their origin, and express what needs expression.
Understand the nature of a behavior trigger.
Differentiate a perception or interpretation, from a feeling or emotion.
Voice, Verbal Language and Speech Patterns.
Increasing the client’s sensitivity to their body language, speech and breathing patterns.
Attachment vs Authenticity
Learn to identify the various Selves
Recognizing persistent coping mechanisms.
Know the difference between helping from an authentic place vs helping from a coping strategy.
Become skilled at clarifying and mirroring your clients’ responses.
Recognize that all issues originate from coping mechanisms.
Selecting the right mindset
Become skilled at interrupting the client’s story and bringing them into their in-the-present self.
Paying attention to body states and bringing attention to tension.
Developing the ability to make effective use of story-telling in sessions with your clients.
Become aware of unconscious beliefs.
Recognize how your clients create lives that fulfil their beliefs.
Working with the Super-Ego and developing a communication strategy with it.
Learn how to work with clients who don’t want to feel.
Practice expressing authentic recognition and appreciation during and after the coaching sessions.




Learn how to Apply Behavioral Change Tools and Transform the lives of people!

By gaining a limited place in this special course, you will:

 Learn evidence-based and research-tested strategies for changing unwanted behaviors effectively and for increasing and stabilizing positive behaviors

 - Learn the most effective cognitive, emotional and physical strategies that form the foundation of behavioral change.

Understand the role of the brain in creating and maintaining behavioral habits.

 - Develop personal behavior change plans and goals that resonate with a person’s sense of deeper purpose.

 - Learn how to use and select from a range of proven, validated behavioral models and tools to best-fit the particular situational needs of a person that will achieve sustainable, measurable behavioral change.

 - Learn how to help a person maintain positive behavior change that leads to greater life satisfaction.

No one has mastered all the skills of successful living and each of us has habits, certain performance levels and behavioral traits we wish to modify. Over the last several years ground-breaking research from the field of neuroscience and other scientific disciplines has uncovered what strategies are most effective in creating behavior change and which ones to avoid. Emerging research also points to key ways to promote a person’s fulfilment of their potential.

This course provides you the latest scientific evidence and tools how to change selected behaviors to help people live a more satisfying, happier, healthier life. We will cover ways to enhance adaptive behaviors, decrease maladaptive behaviors, and tackle many other simple, yet confounding daily life challenges we all face.

In short, you will learn how use (in easy to follow steps) an advanced behavioral toolkit that can help all people (no matter their age or position) transform their life by building a better future for themselves (no matter their current success level).



Learn, step-by-step..

(Some Example Key Tools, Techniques and Knowledge content)
→ Diploma in Executive / Workplace Coaching Graduates receive the Executive Coach Diploma and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip.Ex.C."
→ Master Certified Coach Graduates receive MCC Certification and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "M.C.C."

How to prevent Failures in Building and Managing a Coaching Program. 

Reasons Why many Executive and Business Coaches Fail 

Why people don't change their behavior by just being aware (or even told) of why they should. 

Why is it so hard to be Self-Aware? 

How to help people "wake up" in time to release their potential by recognizing their conditioned response/behavior 

How to increase mental acuity, IQ, EQ, and intuition

Learn to decode the language of the “Gut Feeling.”

How to help people attain true self-realization -"the secret of our life." 

The Steps to easily find out who you really are. 

Our brain is a product of what we do with it.

How to change our brain to become who you want to be. 

How to change our Brain to drive new, sustainable Behavior.  

How to build Strong Neural Pathways - the key to increasing Critical Thinking Skills and Intelligence 

Why our brains and emotions are programmed to ignore facts that contradict what we believe. 

Why Emotions are the key underlying energizing and motivating force for change and growth.

How to Self- Regulate Negative Emotions.

How to use the Most Powerful Emotional Behavioral Driver in a Group Setting to enhance performance and generate exceptional service, innovation, and dedication to the organization. 

Workplace Emotions -and how to work with them.

Steps to creating a Positive Emotions / Engagement Program in the Workplace.

How to develop "Fear Less Leaders". 

The opportunity and need to build an Emotional Fitness Program in every organization 

Why we need to replace traditional models of reward and recognition.

How to empower people to work in a zone of peak performance. 

The Steps for all leaders to transform into a higher version of him/her self 

How to observe your thoughts without necessarily believing their story. 

How to replace Limiting Beliefs with Positive Beliefs 

How to replace a maladaptive behavioral driver for a more positive one to generate a better outcome.

Personal Growth has a Shadow.

questions to help the coachee when making the decision to change.

How to Control Fear (fear of failure / fear of success) -the greatest saboteur in the workplace

Steps to alleviate Stress in a team or workplace.

How to enhance the mental skills of any leader/manager

How to overcome the Fear of regulating Negative Emotions

How to use advanced Visualization techniques to create a desired future

How to enhance Intuition -the key intelligence factor for great success

How to help people overcome Anxiety
- the most destabilizing, negative force that affects everyone.

How to work with Past Self and Present Self to build a better tomorrow

Plus Blueprint, Forms and Check lists on -How to Start Your Own Practice
How to pick your niche, identify buying clients, create a product or service people want,
validate it, market it, sell it, get your 1st paying customers and turn a profit in 30 days.



Each of the comprehensive Course Modules contain
Exercises, Summaries and Case Studies plus Scores of Coaching Forms and Templates -and as a bonus (this month only), students also receive A Supplementary Professional Coach Practice Toolkit and Resources Library (over 300 pages) jammed packed with professional practice Tools, Assessments and Practice Templates and Forms
Value: $us1,295.00
  Checklists and Forms include:  
Meeting with Management
Coach - Client Protocol - a Template
The Coaching Agreement
Coaching Needs Analysis (CNA)
Organizational Coaching Readiness Checklist
The Coaching Project Steering Committee
The Coaching Project Manager (CPM)
The Role of the Sponsor
The Role of the Coaching Manager
External versus Internal Coaches
A Client’s Checklist: Selecting the Right Coach
Choosing the Coaching Intervention
Coaching Project -Some Key Questions: Preliminary definition
Coaching Project Risk Analysis: initial stages of planning
Risk Identification
What to tell the staff about coaching
The “People Factor” in Introducing Coaching within Organizations





"Thanks Dr Zeus! Your invaluable tools have provided my clients (from all walks of life) healthier, happy and more successful lives!"
H. Jenson (Master Coach Graduate)


Register for your
Course Invitation today!





Message from Dr Perry Zeus  (BCI Faculty Head, one of the acknowledged Founders of the modern coaching discipline and author of several books on Behavioral Coaching)..
- When I established the Institute in 1994 my goal was to develop an elite training school providing world best-class behavioral change coaching technology. Today, my Faculty Team and I are proud to be the acknowledged world leaders in our field. Through the ongoing extensive research and development program of our Center for Applied Behavioral Coaching Department (together with our global Corporate Partners) we are able to provide a coaching toolkit for our students containing the most current, scientifically proven set of tools, techniques and best-practices available.

How you will Benefit:

  • Obtain the most valued, industry-recognized certification by the world's elite professional coach educational institution (Dr Zeus's Behavioral Coaching Institute -established 1994).
  • Learn the specialized competencies and frameworks for world best practice coaching.
  • Learn how to employ the latest: evidence-based behavioral change technology (personal, group and organizational).
  • Master the skills of behavioral diagnosis, assessment and developmental planning.
  • Identify the critical steps for building a professional behavioral change coaching program



The Coaching Bottom Line:

Four Facts that separate the Institute's Masters-Level Course from any other:

1. You will learn how to apply the most powerful, validated change models, tools and techniques you need to change behavior.
2. You will positively achieve real sustainable, measurable change outcomes with your clients.
3. You will be able to distinguish between the pedalled myths and proven strategies on how to start/build successful, world best-practice behavioral change programs.
4. You will receive the world's most recognized elite certification in the field of behavioral change.


A "Coach" is required to make critically informed decisions on people's personal and professional lives as part of his/her day to day work. Today's professional practitioner must be able to select the appropriate methodology and skills relevant for any one intervention and therefore draw upon a wide range of proven, validated scientific coaching models, tools, techniques, protocols, practices and sources of information etcThe quality and depth of the practitioner's skills training, practice toolkit and back-up support system directly affect positive outcomes.






  Plus Optional Post Course 1-to-1 Support/Mentoring (via videoconference) with a regional expert facilitator:

Students can enrol in 1-to-1 role-plays with their Facilitator/Mentor to learn how they can customize and apply the learnt knowledge, skills and tools in their workplace or practice.

All BCI's tutors have a PhD and have significant experience in behavioral change, coaching and teaching at the highest international level. With one-to-one guidance provided by the Facilitator/Mentor a student can examine any current behavioral change issues and the relevant challenges faced by their clients.

Note: The Institute's expert Support Team are world renowned authorities, acclaimed educators, behavioral scientists and best-selling authors. Their real-world international business expertise as long term successful coaches increase the relevance and quality of the learning experience


Register for your
Course Invitation today!







Diploma & Master Coach

 COURSES: Format & Registration Form        Executive Coaching Course   Fees
 CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate   Behavioral Health / Workplace Course
 LICENSING of Courses   Corporate Coaching Course    Fees
 FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff   Emotion Coaching Course   Fees
  NeuroCoaching Course    Fees

 Private Mentoring with Dr Perry Zeus 

  Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course
  Sports Psychology Coaching Course

Contact Faculty

  Coach Trainer Accreditation Program
  Onsite Coach Training (your venue)



















   Coach Certification Course MODULES

(Note: the DIPLOMA in Executive Coaching Course includes same content but in
              greater depth and focuses on Workplace Coaching)

(Skills Coaching and Behavioral Change Coaching -All Four below Modules).

- This unique course translates the latest brain science research into simple, actionable strategies for achieving peak performance, creativity, optimum mental health and enhanced wellbeing.

- The Master Coach Course r
equires participants complete all 4 below listed customized Foundational Knowledge and advanced Skills Modules.  

Module 1: 'Foundation' - COACHING SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE  
      -Contains 150 instructional pages, guide notes, case studies
and exercises..
Sample Course Content and Pages ..

      -Includes Templates and Forms..

     -Contains over 150 instructional pages, guide notes, case studies and exercises..
See: Sample Course Content and Pages.

  Module 3: THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE –that provides the mechanism for sustainable, measurable behavioral change in a short- time frame. This material is also used by the coach, before coaching begins, to educate the client on the coaching process and why it works.
 - Contains 150 instructional pages, guide notes, case studies and exercises..  
See: Sample Course Content and Pages.

  Module 4: BEHAVIORAL CHANGE TOOLKIT: COACHING TOOLS and PROPRIETARY BEHAVIORAL CHANGE MODELS (not available elsewhere except via this course)
     - Contains over 200 instructional pages, guide notes, case studies, example interventions and exercises..
See: Sample Course Content and Pages.




  Home | Faculty | Neuro Self-Transformation Behavioral Change Models | Course Registration of Interest Form