Contents: corporate coaching, neuropsychology coaching, workplac coaching, executive coaching, Organizational Psychology, Master Certified Coach Course Modules, Organizational Neuropsychology, corporate coach, neuropsychology coaching, Neuro Behavioral Coaching, executive coaching course contents, business neuropsychology coaching, business coaching, corporate coaching course, executive coaching, Organizational Psychology coaching module, executive coach, Neuro Behavioral Coaching, coaching, behavioral coaching, Organizational Psychology coaching skills and knowledge, corporate coaching tools and models, executive coaching, coroprate coach course, neuropsychology coaching, workplace coaching, behavior



  Dr Perry Zeus's





Diploma & Master Coach

 COURSES: Format & Registration Form   Executive Coaching Course   Fees
 CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate   High Performance Behavioral  Coaching
 LICENSING USE of Brand, BCI Courses           Corporate Coaching Course   Fees
 FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff   Wellness Coaching Course 
  NeuroCoaching Course    Fees

 Private Mentoring with Dr Perry Zeus 

  Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course
  Licensing BCI Coaching Courses

Contact Faculty

  Coach Trainer Accreditation Program
  Group Coach Training
  Home Page >                                           Overview and Contents of the Diploma in
                                 CORPORATE COACHING
Course Modules.
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   "With faculty members from respected universities, such as Harvard and Oxford, anyone who doesn’t have this certification is not providing quality coaching to their client." 
Dr. Greg Roper, PhD (Graduate)




Individual E-Learning or In-House Group Course Format


 using the latest Neuro-Behavioral Methodology


A.24-4, 2024:
Empowering people to feel better and be better.
Empowering people to use their Higher Self and
 move to their next performance level

  As the economy and our world continues to gyrate towards uncertainty and continued challenges, business leaders must learn to pay attention to workplace red flags such as; are employees suffering from emotional or physical exhaustion and becoming disconnected from work or family? Are employees motivated by fear and worry? If they are still working from home, do they need support for personal or mental health issues that might affect their performance? Are key people dropping out and difficult to replace? Are employees comfortable discussing mental health affecting their work and home life?

Sustainable growth in the future will depend more than ever on a holistic approach to well-being.

If we are to help people find fulfilling work and life engagement we need to have a new conversation about well-being in the workplace.


The primary difference between an Executive Coach and Corporate Coach is that Executive Coaching provides a pathway towards becoming a Corporate Coach.
Corporate Coaches typically possess several years’ experience in a senior leadership role plus people development experience within an organizational setting. They have a strong business record and extensive insight into how organization's function and change.

Some Corporate Coaching areas of practice include;
Senior Management Coaching, Organizational Change, Strategic Coaching, CEO/Director level Coaching, Organizational Politics and troubleshooting..
Mainstream Executive Coaching is popular in part because it’s appropriated some basic level aspects of the therapy model without revealing such to the user. However, ICF and other generic executive coaches are not trained to work with emotional fitness, brain-based learning and change nor how to use advanced behavioral change tools and neuropsychological techniques that can bring about accelerated performance, learning and change.

Accelerated, Measurable, Lasting Results with just 2 coaching sessions.
This unique, easy to follow, fast-tracked, credentialing Corporate Coaching Course provides qualified, professional people developers scientifically proven, workplace coaching models and tools that enhances organizational productivity, change efforts and individual IQ, EQ, creativity, intuition, resilience and well-being.

Corporate Coaching using an evidence-based, scientific, holistic (Brain-Mind-Body) approach.

Generic workplace coaches are trained to be goal and professional skill focused. While Corporate Coaches who use a Behavior focused approach are people focused. The Corporate behavior focused Coach takes a holistic approach by looking at the 'whole' person within their environment whereas the generic coach must stay away from the mental domain and behavioral issues they are not trained in. From the client's point of view, it's simply about the kind of assistance they need eg; professional skills coaching or holistic, behavioral coaching or both. Only a Corporate behavior-focused Coach can provide either types of coaching.

Students in this advanced course are taught to understand the function of the brain and how to best stimulate growth as part of the Brain-Mind-Body union.

Because of the stigma of psychology (which primarily takes a cognitive approach -how we think), many people only accept it under the rubric of coaching. The problem is most people actually NEED a neuro-behavioral approach simply because their needs are both brain and mind related eg; the need to build new neural pathways to further enhance their success levels or the need to deal with the emotional discomfort that they're going through working on a new challenging project. A cognitive approach is limited to changing thoughts and not the emotional triggers that proceed them. The majority of workplace coaching goals can be meet by skills training, but most people want to feel better and be better.





  Corporate Coaching using latest, easy-to-use, accelerated neuropsychological change methodology.

A companies productivity and profits are directly linked to the physical AND mental wellbeing of their workforce.

Today’s work life, thanks to technology, travels home with us almost 24/7. Businesses know they need to respond to the strain this puts on their high-performing workers.

There is a revolution taken place in the workplace as large and small companies alike are learning how to use a neuro-behavioral approach via a user-friendly coaching delivery model.

Today's challenging workplace requires easy-to-use, accelerated change tools to introduce individual and group wellbeing coaching programs to create a healthier, happier, more productive, innovative and collaborative working environment.

Neuro-Behavioral Model of Change -the Critical Key for Organizational Success.
Smart companies don’t just get healthier by their intelligence. Smart companies have learnt to define organizational health as their capacity to deliver superior long-term financial and operational performance through a people health (brain-mind-body) management program.

Yesterdays dated definition of organizational health was focused on aligning people behind a clear vision, strategy, and culture. The missing corporate key for success was ensuring people were provided the personal support they required to be their best. Not just professional skills training or leadership coaching (first and second level development) -but the employment of a Neuro-Behavioral Model of Change incorporating mindset change, mental skills training and neurodevelopment -growing new neurons and pathways in the brain (third level tier development).

Corporate Behavior-focused Coaching teaches employees skills that prepare them to weather challenging stressful days and work changes. It stress-proofs them. Skills learned via a coaching model protect employees from stress and helps those who are affected and down to quickly and effectively recover. The cost savings are huge plus it builds incredible trust and loyalty. The growing message to employees today is now; “We know this work is stressful, so we will help you and if you’re not working at your full potential, we will also help you by providing the latest, scientific coaching as a tool.”

Businesses make a large financial investment in hiring smart, creative employees so it makes financial sense that they need to look after their worker’s brain and mind health. Corporate Behavior-focused Coaching is the scaffolding for a high performance work and life.

Corporate Behavior-focused Coaching is preventive care. We go to the gym and/or eat well to keep healthy. We see our Doctor to get our annual physical check up. So it makes sense to offer care and support for emotional fitness and development of the mind and brain.

Corporate Behavior-focused Coaching is not about telling someone all of your childhood problems and nor is it working with an executive coach who is not trained in the use of modern change tools that have a basis in the behavioral sciences. Today’s organizational coaching specialist is both a social scientist and specialist organizational change agent.

To survive and thrive in today's ever-changing, challenging marketplace it is imperative that Corporate Behavior-focused Coaching be provided to employees: as an open resource with a few regular check-ups each year to confirm all is ok; to provide sessional boosts to help workers rebalance their brain and mind during particularly stressful times in their work or personal life and; to provide individual case support for those whenever they require it.

Dr Perry Zeus
- Behavioral Coaching Institute Founder
  and Faculty Head.
Dr Perry Zeus has published more than 2,000 pages, advancing and defining the modern understanding of the coaching discipline. His now-classic book, Behavioral Coaching -How to build personal and organizational strength (first published 15 years ago) transformed the psychology of organizational coaching.

Dr Zeus has developed behavioral change methodology and tools that are used in over 60 countries; taught coaching psychology to psychologists, clinicians, physicians, lawyers, government officers, politicians, and to people in business; worked with CEO’s of major companies, on their personal and professional development; helped his clinical clients manage the triumphs and lows of life; served as an advisor to senior management in major hospitals, learning institutions, law firms and government departments; and, facilitated corporate courses to more than 5,000 people across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.





The Foundational Neuropsychological Science of the Courses Organizational Change Models and Tools

You will acquire easy-to-use, practical, neuropsychological tools that change and redirect the client’s neural patterns to meet their learning and performance goals.

Organizational Neuropsychological Interventions are designed not only to shape and build new neural pathways, but also change the areas of our brain associated with emotions and memories such as the pre-frontal cortex, the amygdala, and the hippocampus which like our brains are not hard-wired (they are ‘plastic’).

Brain's Limbic System
Harnessing the principle of neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to change itself) the course’s techniques and tools focus on accessing the subconscious mind and the limbic section of the brain that is the critical link to the brain-mind union and how we can affect neural changes.

The targeted behavioral intervention's objective is to have your client learn powerful, self-empowering, brain-mind change techniques for peak performance, rejuvenation, well-being, health and happiness.

The Neuropsychological Cognitive Change Models are experiential in nature and also integrate components of: Behavioral change therapy, Emotional realignment therapy, Neural shaping, Gestalt therapy, The Psychology of Selves and, Positive Memory Reconstitution.

The Courses cutting-edge, approach is at the forefront of mainstream neuropsychological cognitive therapies.

Harnessing the principles of Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to change itself, the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system).

The objective of the targeted interventions is to have your client achieve perceptual self-awareness and learn powerful, self-empowering, brain-mind change techniques to meet their Need Goals.

You will be taught easy-to-use, practical, self-empowering neuropsychological techniques to give to your clients (to practice once a day for 15 mins) that change and redirect associated neural patterns within just 2 sessions. The short mental exercises also helps workers boost their endorphin levels that stimulate and balance the Immune system and promotes the repair of cells and tissues to build a healthier, stronger version of their brain.

The Limbic System (as mentioned above) is a key component of the bodies neurocircuity.

Another key component is the vagus nerve (the longest cranial nerve) which is the key to our well-being. The vagus nerve is a fibre network that provides an interface between the brain and the gut (our “second brain”). Students learn how increase the 'vagal tone index' that directly affects a person's psychological and physical well-being.

Course Methodology

The Tools / The Institute's Xperiential X-ercises:

The Institute's cutting edge, proven neuro coaching techniques, tools and neuro-behavioral change models of change are all evidence-based and can generate positive, lasting, measurable results within just 2 coaching sessions.

Powerful visualization techniques (mental imagery) are used to activate brain regions to affect desired changes and learning.

Students learn how to train their client’s brain (in easy to follow steps) via deep level (subconscious) Metacognition Role-playing skills training that facilitates and encourages neural plasticity in the brain.

Clinic's proprietary Neuro Xperiential X-ercises ™ -for the Brain and Mind.
Utilizing Neuro Metacognition X-ercises ™
(Deep level / subconscious Metacognition Role-playing incorporating Direct Visualization, Self-Dialogue, Positive Memory Reconstitution and Mindfulness).

Harnessing the power of your client’s Brain and Mind to effect sustainable changes.
You will learn how use (in easy to follow steps) an advanced, proven neuropsychological toolkit that can help people transform their working and personal life to a tomorrow that has no limits.





The Courses cutting-edge, approach is at the forefront of mainstream neuropsychological cognitive science. The objective of the targeted, short interventions is to have the client achieve accelerated, perceptual self-awareness and learn powerful, easier-to-use, self-empowering, brain-mind change techniques to meet their Need Goals within just 2 to 3 coaching sessions.

This easy to follow, step-by-step, accelerated credentialing course provides you the latest scientific evidence and advanced toolkit how to change behavioral drivers that enhance productivity, creativity, greater resilience, well-being and help people move to their next level.


  "All my clients have significantly improved their quality of life from participating in my coaching programs using the tools and best practices from your course!"
H. Jenson (Graduate)
→ Diploma in Corporate Coaching graduates receive the Diploma and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip Corp. Coaching."
(Some Example Tools, Techniques and Knowledge content):

Module -1
→ Coaching and other related disciplines
→ Professional Workplace Coaching
→ Becoming a Change Agent in an organizational setting
→ Some Core Identities and Competencies of a Workplace Coach
→ Your Coaching Style -and Exercise
→ The Coaching Session
→ Dialogue, Questioning and Listening Skills
→ Establishing an environment of Trust
→ Dealing with Transference and Counter-transference

Module -2
The Coaching PROCESS
First Level Skills Coaching Model
Coaching Structure and Program Map
The Coaching CYCLE
Types of Assessment
Goal Setting
Developing an Action Plan
Types of Evaluation

Module -3
The Models and Tools underlying Cognitive Neuropsychology -Why it works!
Neuropsychology and the Brain
Achieving, sustainable, desirable Change
Building the Neuropsychological Change Bridge
Managing the Fear of Change
Building towards SELF-Integration
The Study of Personality
Personality Development
Function of Behavior
The evolution of the Brain
The Brain's Limbic System
Brain-Based Learning
How to establish new cells in the Brain
High Performance Brain Training
How to train people to work in the zone of peak performance
How to replace negative, repressed Emotions
How to achieve Emotional Competence
How to release entrapped Energy in the Body
Heart and Brain relationship
Managing Emotions and Feelings
Emotions, Feelings and the Organizational Bottom Line
How to establish an Emotional Fitness Program
Body and Brain connection
The Need to use the Observer-Self
Deliberative Thinking and Witnessing Awareness
Changing Brain through Meditation
Mindfulness and Positive Psychology
Difficulty of Changing Beliefs
Cognitive Restructuring
How to Anchor States of Mind
Becoming a Behavioral Exchange Agent in a workplace setting

Module -4
The Coaching Framework, MODELS, Zeus
Neuro Xperiential X-ercises and Case Studies
Psychosocial Development
Desired Future Change Model
How to use the High / Wise Self in decision making (see above graphic)
How to change our brain to become who you want to be
→ How to fulfil your Potential
→ How to replace Fearful Negative Emotions
→ Peak Performance Coaching -Boosting productivity
→ How to use advanced Visualization techniques to build the future
Working with Energy Renewal, Stress and Pain
How to help people overcome Anxiety
- the most destabilizing, negative force that affects everyone.
How to enhance Intuition
- the key intelligence factor for great success
How to work with the Past Self & Present Self to build a better tomorrow
How to help people attain true self-realization
   -"the secret of our life."

How to build Strong Neural Pathways
   - the key to increasing Critical Thinking Skills and Intelligence

How to increase mental acuity, IQ and EQ
→ Consciousness is in the Driver’s Seat of an Organization
→ Methods of altering Consciousness



  • proven marketing strategies (for practices and in-house programs)
    - reference materials (important case studies, articles, papers) 
    - practice guides, study materials and resource listings

  • Specialties and how to find yours

  • Developing a Practice Philosophy

  • Why you don't need university degrees in psychology, counselling or medicine. 

  • How to use foundation seminars and workshops

  • How to respond to the most common client situations

  • How to establish commitment, trust and intimacy with your clients

  • Drafting and Proposing the Contract of Services

  • Preparing efficient and effective results based sessions

  • How to design, implement and measure successful programs

  • How to prepare, design and conduct a session

  • Starting the Session

  • Do’s and Don’ts

  • The structure of the client conversation

  • How to develop your Practitioner Style with your clients

  • Producing Measurable Results and How to measure the results

  • ...and Guide Notes, Case Studies, Example Interventions and Exercises..




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Course Invitation today!




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- Course Fees) and Registration details  -read more.






Diploma & Master Coach

 COURSES: Format & Registration Form   Executive Coaching Course   Fees
 CLIENTS - Graduates,  Corporate   Occupational / Workplace Health Course
 LICENSING USE of Brand name, Courses           Corporate Coaching Course  Fees
 FACULTY - Institute's 25 year History, Staff   Emotion Coaching Course   Fees
  NeuroCoaching Course    Fees

 Private Mentoring with Dr Perry Zeus 

  Anti-Aging & Health Coaching Course
  Sports Psychology Coaching Course

Contact Faculty

  Coach Trainer Accreditation Program
  Onsite Coach Training (your venue)

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