Content:: coaching in business benefits, organizations benefits,workplace coaching case study, business coaching, executive coaching, study, executive coaching, workplace coaching benefits, business coaching studies, executive coaching studies, organizational coaching, business coaching article, executive coaching article, business coaching study, executive coaching study, workplace coaching managers, organization coaching benefits, coaching organization, 




Diploma & Master Coach

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 Behavioral Coaching Institute -Introductory Workplace Coaching Notes: Case Studies
-Business and Executive Coaching:
Benefits of Business & Executive Coaching
 and some case studies
(Includes Extracts from coaching text book 'The Coaching at Work Toolkit'
by Zeus and Skiffington -  published by McGraw-Hill)



When were the benefits of business coaching first researched / published?
Workplace coaching has been with us for a long time!!
Here are just a few example research papers on business coaching published form the 1930's through to the 1980's when coaching just started to become acknowledged as a learning and training tool...
Between the late 1930's and the late 1960’s -coaching literature focused on Internal coaching in organizations, with managers or supervisors acting as coaches to their staff. A paper by Gorby (1937) detailed how older employees were trained to coach new employees. Another publication in 1938 (Bigelow) discussed the benefits of sales coaching. In 1951 Mold reported on the benefits of the manager-as-coach and Mahler (1964) observed the difficulty in getting managers to be effective coaches. In 1967 Gershman produced his doctoral research thesis on how supervisors were trained to be successful coaches to improve employees' attitude and job performance. 
Frohman, A. L. and J. P. Kotter (1977). "Coaching and counseling: How you can improve the way it's done." Training & Development Journal. 
Ponzo, Z. (1980). "Management development roles: Coach, sponsor and mentor." Personnel Journal  
Tyson, L. and H. Birnbrauer (1983). "Coaching: A tool for success." Training & Development Journal  
Duffy, E. M. (1984). "A feedback-coaching intervention and selected predictors in outplacement." Dissertation Abstracts 
Sergio, J. P. (1987). "Behavioral coaching as an intervention to reduce production costs through a decrease in output."  
Stowell, S. J. (1987). "Leadership and the coaching process in organizations."  
Orth, C. D., H. E. Wilkinson, et al. (1987). "The manager's role as coach and mentor." Organizational Dynamics 
Thompson, A. D., Jr (1987). "A formative evaluation of an individualized coaching program for business managers and professionals."  


The Behavioral Coaching Institute (Est. 1994).
Over the last two decades
of conducting our workplace behavioral coach training and certification courses, we have tracked the ongoing development of Workplace Coaching. Some of the major areas where we have trained coaches to successfully work / specialize in include: behavioral health coaching in the workplace, executive coaching (CEO’s), transformational leadership coaching, team coaching, business coaching, coaching female executives, coaching in education, cross-cultural coaching, sales coaching, coaching in the health care industry and personal coaching.

Today, the Institute is the world's leading developer and supplier of proprietary workplace behavioral coaching models, tools and techniques to 100's of the world's leading organizations. Our specialist Workplace Coach Training Schools have produced 1,000's of graduates from over 65 countries who have obtained elite certification and a workplace coaching toolkit that stands them at the head of the global coaching field.

Read More>: Workplace Coach Tools and Techniques

-Some Types of Organizational Coaching


What is High Performance Behavioral Coaching?

Mainstream / generic workplace coaches are trained to be goal and skill focused. Whereas, High Performance Behavioral Coaches (in the workplace, educational institutions etc) are focused on the person's environment affecting their performance, happiness and well-being. Both work successfully together, however, the High Performance Behavioral Coach uses a brain-mind-body approach to address developmental needs whereas the generic workplace coach must stay away from the mental / physical domains and psychological change models they are not trained in. From the client's point of view, it's simply about the kind of assistance they need eg; brain-mind-body or workplace positional skills coaching or both.


Difference between behavioral coaching and mental or cognitive coaching.
It is important to note that behavioral coaching is a blanket term incorporating whole brain, mind, body approach. Whereas mental / cognitive coaching focuses on the mind only. It follows that high performance behavioral coaching incorporates cognitive coaching.


With the new, changed economic landscape (post-pandemic) there is an unprecedented demand for High Performance Behavioral Coaching for in-house or external practitioners.

- The Need for High Performance Coaching -in the not so good times...and good times.


Yesterdays dated definition of workplace performance was focused primarily on positional and mental skills training. The missing corporate key for success was ensuring people were provided the brain-mind-body development and support they required to be their best, fulfil their potential and be happy and healthy.

Read more>



Cultural Change Coaching
The culture of an organisation reflects the values and behaviours of its members. Coaches who specialize in cultural change, conduct cultural audits through surveys, interviews and/or focus group methods etc. They can analyse results and propose and conduct interventions to better identify and articulate an organization's culture or they can help develop and introduce positive, sustainable corporate values and new behaviours or assist members to be in alignment with the organization's culture etc.

Coaching for Senior Management, Directors and Boards
When an organisation needs to change, leadership and inspiration must come from the top. When an organization's senior management or/and leadership group is under pressure to successfully change operational procedures, effective communication is critical. Management Coaches have extensive knowledge of organisational change and business strategy to the Director level. Using a combination of their own experience and proven coaching models, processes and tools they:

  • Provide a confidential and objective “space and time” enabling self-awareness and self-reflection.
  • Evaluate behavioural patterns affecting decision-making -ensuring that these are aligned to business goals and driving them forward.
  • Challenge thinking, problem-solving etc focusing on making the right strategic moves.
  • Further develop communication methods and style -ensuring clear, effective and constant communication.
-Management/Leadership Coaching
The behavior of a company's leaders is crucial to the entire organization. The behavior of leaders set examples that communicate more than anything else. A leader's greatest tool in leading others is the combination of their personality and behavior. While a leader's greatest contribution is how well they communicate ideas, influence those around them, demonstrate the behavior they talk about, and inspire others to join together in accomplishing a common goal. It is fact that, the further up the ladder a leader moves, the greater the risk of loss of constructive feedback. Giving constructive feedback to anyone is difficult at best for most people. Coaching helps to fill this gap. When done well, coaching accelerates the development of managers and leaders.

The attraction, retention and development of qualified staff are also key concerns as organisations adapt to an ever changing and challenging world around them. Executive Coaches work with leaders to develop leadership skills -encouraging them to lead by example and how to best support their teams to engage in ongoing professional and personal skill learning programs, be motivated and committed.



Workplace Coaching
 - Some Direct Benefits
It is increasingly recognized that Individuals and groups perform better with coaching and this performance translates into business results. Some of the specific ways in which coaching is beneficial include the following: 

  •       Coaching for leadership impacts companies through increased productivity, improved communication, increased staff commitment and loyalty and decreased levels of stress and tension.

  •       Coaching assists individuals to remain loyal and committed to the company in the face of demanding global business hours, language barriers, differing work ethics and economic fluctuations.

  •     Coaching can help prevent executive derailment, which, as some studies suggest, can be as high as thirty-three per cent for senior executives.

  •     Coaching helps managers develop better interpersonal skills. Some common reasons for interpersonal conflict include executives being too abrasive, too controlling and too isolated. Coaches work with executives to explore these behaviors, to recognize and regulate their self-defeating beliefs, assumptions and actions.

  •     Coaching helps leaders to think and plan more strategically, to manage risk more   effectively, to create and communicate vision and mission.

  •     Coaching aids in developing a culture of trust, commitment and personal responsibility both internally and with the external world of clients and customers.

  •     Coaching enables the executive or manager to leverage his or her personal power more effectively.

  •     Coaching can develop those leadership qualities that have been empirically proven to be associated with success. These include: cognitive capacity, social capacities, personality style, motivation, knowledge and expertise. 

The breadth of executive coaching makes it impossible to nominate all areas the coach and coachee can explore. However, the following is a list of some of the major intervention areas of executive coaching:   

·   When there is a change in structure and an individual executive needs new skills for a new  position

·   The high potential manager being groomed for promotion

·   High performing executives whose personality style impacts negatively on his or her relationship with peers, staff and clients

·    Executives wishing to develop their career paths and prospects

·    As a follow-on to 360-degree performance appraisals

·    Increasing the individuals’ capacity to manage an organization – planning, organizing, controlling, visioning, developing others etc.

·   Increasing the executive’s psychological and social mastery skills, such as self-awareness, recognition of “blind spots” and defences, limiting thoughts and emotional effectiveness

·   Improving the executive’s balance between work and life demands.

·   Leadership, management and team building skills

·   Working more effectively within a changing organizational  structure

·   Working with a leader to coach others in transition

Types of Executive Coaching:

As noted in the book, 'The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work', the authors (Skiffington and Zeus) have found the following typology of executive coaching to be useful:

Coaching for skills helps the executive learn specific skills, abilities and perspectives over a period of several weeks or months. The skills to be learned are usually clear at the outset and are typically related to skills associated with an executive assuming new or different responsibilities.

Coaching for performance focuses on the executive’s effectiveness in his or her current position. Frequently it involves coaching for one or more management or leadership competencies, such as communicating vision, team building or delegation.

Coaching for development refers to coaching interventions that explore and enhance the executive’s competencies and characteristics required for a future job or role. It can be associated with outplacements, restructuring and reengineering in the organization.

Coaching for the executive’s agenda generally entails working with an executive on any personal or organizational concerns he or she may have. It can focus on issues surrounding the executive, such as change and company downsizing. Personal issues are more likely to arise in this type of coaching.

Executive coaches can also work with training managers to formalize coaching in their leadership roles and become "manager as coach".

Note: Only behavioral change is real change. 
           -The need to create sustainable behaviors (what we do or say)!

Improving business performance often focuses on clearly articulated strategies, definite goals and structural change. However, even the best laid plans for change often fail to address that performance is inseparable from how an organization does what it does. For only if the people in a system behave as they should will the system work as it should. Most systems have the same failing--human behavior. Improved performance is impossible without changing behaviors. If we want to change and improve systems, we have to change human behavior. But human behavior is not so easily changed and most behavioral change efforts fail.

Note: There are Two Types of Change: 
1. Process/Procedural Change:
The main success factor to the introduction of a new initiative, new process or the creation of new structures or teams, is the effective long-term change of people’s behaviors.

2. Personal and/or Organizational Performance or Developmental Change:
The central critical success factor for any personal, group or cultural change initiative is the effective long-term change of people’s behaviors.


Some Coaching Case Studies:


This Coaching Program was developed to address a Defence Forces Training Department's specific needs.

The Trainers teach over a thousand personnel a year. The focus of the program was to certify the trainers as coaches and thereby: increase the effectiveness of their training methods by enhancing the delivery and retention of the subject matter - be it soft skills or technical information, improve their ability to establish rapport, trust and credibility and improve their ability to adapt their teaching style to the students learning styles thus enabling their students to easily apply the newly learnt information.

All the participants were assessed giving them an understanding of their own unique learning, communication, problem-solving and teaching styles (which was used as a basis for them to develop even more flexible teaching styles).

The tailored program, conducted over 3 months, used a combination of distance-learning modules, including pre-study of course manual and set reading material, followed by 4 two-day Intensive Group Workshops and individual follow-up coaching sessions.


A Coaching program was developed to address a Senior Management Team's specific needs to: be more 'Transformational', 'Emotionally Intelligent' in their leadership style, to improve their behavioral flexibility and improve their cross functional effectiveness. The program was delivered through team workshops addressing common workplace issues and one to one personal developmental coaching sessions focusing on under-performance issues. Results were benchmarked and linked to measurable changes in behavior.

The Assessment instruments provided information on the coachees: Leadership style, Problem-Solving style, Stress levels, and their Emotional Aspects - their strengths and developmental areas.

The program was over a twelve month period starting with a number of one-to-one sessions. The team workshops were followed by one-to-one coaching driven by the needs of the individual coachees.


A Customized Development Program for Managers, Senior Doctors and Nurse Managers in a Private Hospital Group.

The program had to take into the account the acute lack of time staff have for position development and an expanding network of new hospitals. The staff identified a need to be more effective in the management and utilization of change, more 'Transformational' in their leadership style and more confident and assertive in their handling of conflict. Emphasis was also placed on the values and culture of the organization as well as skills.

A mix of team workshops, one-to-one coaching and action learning projects were developed. It was agreed that no one within the group should have access to an individual's assessment report. The feedback was facilitated only to the coachee and a self development plan/coaching cycle was agreed to.

Some objectives were to: improve cross functional effectiveness - as a team and individually, develop an awareness of their behavioral style and address areas which may cause them to under-perform, understand the nature of Change and Transition and be able to anticipate and manage both elements proactively and to design a competency framework which reflected the values and ethos of the organization.


A recent study concluded that high performing organizations all have strong communication practices based on well-defined communication development programs.
Communication Styles Coaching Program for a leading financial services organization: To prepare key personnel to communicate more effectively, the program was designed to help personnel develop strong, strategic presentational skills. The program's specific objectives were to significantly improve key, valued personnel's ability to express, present, persuade, negotiate and deliver messages with impact.

The program framework included three phases: assessment, coaching, and evaluation. The assessment phase helped personnel to clarify dominant communication styles. A variety of assessment tools including Social Styles, Competing Values, and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was employed. In the coaching phase, personnel learnt the strengths and weaknesses of their dominant communication styles, as well as strategies for communicating effectively with others who have conflicting styles. Finally, the evaluation phase helped personnel to monitor the effectiveness of their communication styles and strategies and to develop action plans for continuous improvement. During this phase personnel have numerous opportunities to make presentations and receive detailed feedback from their coach and peers on the substance and delivery of their improved message/presentation skills.

Harvard Business Review article - Benefits of Manager as Coach in Sears
.They set up rigorous measurements for (among other things) employee attitude and satisfaction. Their statistics showed that consistently as the quality of management improved, so did employee attitudes, and then customer satisfaction. The numbers showed that “a 5 point improvement in employee attitudes will drive a 1.3 point improvement in customer satisfaction, which in turn will drive a 0.5% improvement in revenue growth.”  In a billion dollar company, a 0.5% increase in revenue is substantial.

Sears learned that when their managers fully value and develop their employees (i.e., using the Manager as Coach approach), they could confidently predict future revenue growth in a particular district. When employee satisfaction increased 5%, revenue growth in a particular store increased by 5.5%. - Harvard Business Review -CDG

 - The Behavioral Coaching Institute customized, fast-tracked, Certified Master Coach training course is delivered in an accelerated learning format (Study, Campus or Distance Learning). The Institute's expert Faculty Team have the international experience to answer your most challenging issues.....



          "The Institute's fast-tracked E-Learning Master Coach course
            content surpasses that of any comparative course -in any terms
                 -HR News 2020




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Content:: coaching in organizations benefits, coaching case study, business coaching, executive coaching, study, executive coaching, coaching benefits, business coaching studies, executive coaching studies, organizational coaching, business coaching article, organization coaching benefits, executive coaching article, business coaching study, executive coaching study, coaching managers, coaching organization