Contents:, unlocking a child's potential, soft skills training for children, child coach training business, child potential training, soft skills children child coaching, unlock childrens potential, coaching, child development, child coaching, child performance coaching, chi;ds soft skills, unlocking a childs potential, child coaching course, chiild development, childs potential, unlock child potential, child performance, child coaching, child development, unlock child potential, child coach course, child futures, soft skills training for children,





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Helping children people transform
 themselves and their world.

Helping young people open the door to
 become everything they could be.

Helping all children become the best,
 most successful person they can be.





Unlocking a child’s potential.
“All children are in a state of becoming something more than what they presently are -but the potential extent of what they can achieve, who they can be, is beyond their realization.” - Dr Perry Zeus

Helping a child to see that they are not a disconnected agent acting upon their world, but born of it, connected and capable of great things.
Today, many educators, psychologists and parents vigilantly attempt to guide children along the “right” path, hoping it will lead to a bright future. Unfortunately most children need to be rescued from outdated education practices and over involved parents who believe they know just what that path should look like.

The good news is that there is now converging evidence of child developmental science that children do far better when there is an emphasis on the development of “soft skills” especially emotional learning.

“Soft,” or non-cognitive skills, include impulse control, empathy, conscientiousness and perseverance. Recent studies have identified soft skills as a better indicator of a child’s ability than their basic intelligence.

Research from Duke University finds that teaching such skills should be a focus in the classroom and at home to unlock a child’s potential, increase performance and also help decrease behavior problems.

Educational bodies focus on knowledge and cognitive skill and modifying existing school teaching systems is difficult. It follows that a growing number of teachers, who are well read on the latest child development research, understand the need for soft skill development and patiently await for administrations to reduce content-focused testing and increase focus on non-cognitive skills. Unfortunately, even most progressive schools still view non-cognitive skills such as self-awareness, emotion regulation, resilience, personality development, relationship building and self-control seemingly impossible to integrate into their usual course design.

Soft Skills are behavioral competencies.
Soft Skills also include Interpersonal skills, or people skills. At school or at work they include proficiencies such as communication skills, conflict resolution and negotiation, personal effectiveness, creative problem solving, strategic thinking, team building, influencing skills and selling skills, to name a few.

- Behavioral competencies encompass soft skills self-management strategies that distinguish excellent performers from the rest.

- Behavioral competencies are controlled by behavioral drivers such as; emotions, attitudes, mindset or personality traits that help predict successful outcomes or how well a child will perform at a certain task.

Soft skills are centered around the core ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself. We all know when someone uses soft skills with great proficiency.

A joint study by Boston College, Harvard University, and the University of Michigan found that “workers with advanced soft skills are 12 percent more productive than those who did not receive the training in soft skills.” Deloitte Access Economics predicted in another study that two-thirds of all jobs in modern societies will rely on soft skills by 2030. There are many other similar studies, but the data all points in the same direction: soft skills will be critically important at school and in the workplace of the future.

In an increasingly digitized environment, those with strong soft skills will have the ability to set themselves apart while other young adults will struggle with the impersonal, data-driven “language” of virtual interaction.
Although AI and robotics will drastically change the future workforce, children who now learn how to become their best self will find a meaningful place in the world’s future.

 The Behavioral Coaching Institute's renowned Child / Youth Coach Training Courses -include the latest training in the use of Soft skills Change Models to unlock a childs potential. The Institute's fast-tracked, accredited Courses (Self-Study, Campus and Distance Learning Format) meets the critical needs for child developers and other professionals to be trained and certified in the use of the latest validated, reliable behavioral change tools and techniques.



The Behavioral Coaching Institute's Diploma in Child Behavior Coaching Course

Unlocking a child’s potential

Course Goal:
How to help all children / youth / young adults fulfill their potential by helping them learn who they want to become -someone with a bigger, bolder, authentic future. A brighter, reachable future that is truly aligned to their personality, values, and spirit where they excel in their life’s pursuit for success and happiness.

Who For?
This unique program is open for change-makers who are working at the forefront of personal development/growth.

The program provides powerful tools for navigating where a child, youth or young adult is at compared to where they want to be -helping them move through a growth process of self-discovery and self-management with greater ease, efficiency and rapid alignment (balance/awareness).
- Learn how to help all children take more aligned and productive actions to become the best version of themselves.
- Learn how to use powerful, guided role-play where behavioral change goals are established to help widen a child’s understanding and management of emotions, values and mindsets enabling them to have a greater variety of choices how they act and what they say.

Read More >.... 



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Contents:  unlock child potential, child coach course, child futures,soft skills training for children, unlocking a child's potential, child coach training business, child potential training, child coaching, child performance coaching, unlocking a childs potential, child coaching  unlock childrens potential, soft skills training for children,  coaching, child development, child coaching,course, chiild development, childs potential, unlock child potential, child performance, child coaching, child development, soft skills training for children,



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