Content: coaching accreditation, coaching certification, executive coaching accreditation, business coaching credentials, coach accreditation and credentials, coaching and credentialing, coach certification, coaching certificate, professional coach accreditation, accredited coaching course, coaching accreditation, business coaching credentials, professional coach accreditation, coaching certification, executive coaching accreditation,  accredited coaching course,  coach certification, coaching certificate, coach accreditation and credentials, coaching and credentialing,




       Benefits of Workplace Coaching Accreditation via Licensure
          -The need for professional coaching providers to differentiate themselves in the disparate coaching field ©

           (includes extracts from new text book 'Behavioral Coaching' by Zeus and Skiffington -published and copyrighted by McGraw-Hill, New York)

  What is Accreditation?
Accreditation is a voluntary process by which a nongovernmental recognized industry body publicly recognizes a training provider that has successfully met predetermined qualifications through ongoing evaluations.

What is unique about a professional coaching accreditation designation obtained by licensure?
It is the most rigorous level of credentialing available to training providers. Professional accreditation by the ICC via licensure, such as with
the Behavioral Coaching Institute (BCI -an internationally respected coaching body and the world's leading developer and supplier of workplace coaching methodology and best-practices) requires that the provider/license holder undertake regular ICC assessment to maintain their license of use of BCI licensed coaching courseware. These select licensed coaching providers are required to follow industry best practices in the delivery of BCI's courses and are subject to license revocation if those set standards are not maintained. The BCI Accredited licensing program not only adheres to this highest level of coaching credential, but it is the only coaching accreditation process of its type in the world today.

Is licensure coming to the professional coaching field?
The call for licensure is being driven by six key factors:

  1. The requirement of busy professional people developers for not just recognized international coach credentials but also best-practice, industry-proven coaching CourseWare (and follow-on support) to deliver to their clients (internal or external).
  2. The fact that all coaching credentials today (certificates or degrees) are provided by coach training providers without any means to evaluate the graduates follow-on practice or delivery standards.
  3. The inability of a fragmented coaching field to provide self-regulation and the fact that no government body recognizes coaching as an industry or a stand-alone profession but rather rightfully view it as style of learning and development employed by both professional people developers and unqualified people alike.
  4. The growing call by some professional people developers (who specialize in the use of the behavioral coaching model) for a way to separate themselves from the many ill-trained, inexperienced coaching providers in the wider community.
  5. In today's changed economic climate successful external coaching providers are now also using coaching educational courses as their prime source of revenue and as a means to obtain new organizational clients.
  6. Today business clients of the coaching process are now more discerning and require the coaching provider be able to validate not only their coaching skills but also that the coaching courses they offer are of a world best-practice standard.

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Content: coaching accreditation, coaching certification, coaching certificate, coach accreditation and credentials, coaching and credentialing, executive coaching accreditation, business coaching credentials, executive coaching accreditation,  accredited coaching course,  coach certification, coach accreditation and credentials, coaching and credentialing, coach certification, coaching certificate, professional coach accreditation, accredited coaching course, coaching certification, coaching accreditation, business coaching credentials, professional coach accreditation,