Contents: anti-aging, anti-aging life care professional, neuroscience, longevity, brain-mind-body, self-care coaching, mind-set, neurocoaching, Psychology, life care, mind-set, neurocoaching, anti-aging, self-care, neuroscience, coaching, anti-aging course, self-care coaching, anti-aging coaching, anti-aging psychology, coaching, mind-set, neurocoaching, self-care coaching, anti-aging, brain-mind-body, Anti-aging, anti-aging coaching, anti-aging symptoms, coaching aging, anti-aging treatment, anti-aging change, coaching aging, psychology, coaching, anti-aging management, aging in the workplace, aging research, change age, manage aging,








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“Empowering people to move to a desired state of youthfulness and health”


What is Anti Aging?


What is the discipline of Anti-Aging?
Anti-Aging is the study of the physical, psychological and social aspects of aging. Anti-Aging touches all aspects of a person’s life. Who am I? How do I live my life?

What is an Anti-Aging Life Care Professional?
An Anti-Aging Life Care specialist is someone who has the minimum requirement of a diploma in Anti-Aging Therapy.

At what age do people start thinking about their own aging process?
Aging is lifelong. Aging doesn’t start at 65. Students today start thinking about their own aging when they’re 18, 19 and 20 years old. An Anti-Aging Life Care specialist looks at one’s total life for all age groups.

What is driving the Anti-Aging discipline?
The worldwide market for anti-aging treatment programs has been booming for the last several years and will continue to do so at a rapid rate.

The Global Anti-Aging Market was worth an estimated $300 billion in 2019 and growing at a current rate of 7.8% a year.

Today, the anti-aging sector is the fastest growing human service profession. The typical practice clientele includes a wide range of clients; from those in their 30's (who facing mental, physical burn-out / quality of life issues) to persons in their middle years (looking to improve their youthfulness etc) to 60 plus year olds (persons looking to extend their life span). In fact, adults of all ages have a broad spectrum of aging, well-being and health related issues they require help with.

What important new research is helping the anti-aging marketplace continue its explosive global growth?
One example break-through study by the University of California, Berkeley (published in the Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological and Medical Sciences) compared fraternal and identical twins found that only 20-30% of longevity is genetic. 70-80% of longevity depends on what we think and the lifestyle choices we make. Certainly nutrition, physical activity, and even being fortunate not to be injured affect how long and how well people live.

One of the biggest factors is psychological—our mind-set -driven by emotions, how we think, our attitudes, beliefs, and coping skills etc. Examples include optimism, gratitude, having a sense of purpose, and embracing lifelong learning and change.

What is happening with aging in the world?
There is great demand for anti-aging therapists who take a whole brain-mind-body approach to help best decipher a client’s situation and understand how to deliver the best guidance possible.

What does an Anti-Aging Life Care specialist do?
Modern society is now living through the aging phenomena. It takes professionals trained in the latest anti-aging best practices who have a holistic toolkit to help people manage a wide range of aging needs These professionals can see past the problem to see the opportunity to help people survive and thrive. Anti-Aging Life Care specialists ask the question, What can help a person to enhance the quality and meaning of their life.

When should someone seek the assistance of an Anti-Aging Life Care specialist?
In a perfect world, we’d be proactive about our aging instead of waiting until there’s a crisis. There is a growing awareness that we should all be thinking about this sooner rather than later. But many don’t seek help until they’re negatively affected by an aging issue -such as health or performance decline.

Do Anti-Aging Life Care specialists work with other professionals?
The field of Anti-Aging is multidisciplinary. For instance, some people are formally trained in people development, psychology, health-care, neuroscience, counselling, gerontology or medicine etc. What makes the field so productive is that there are qualified professionals studying and working with aging from different vantage points in trying to understand how to best meet client needs.

What are the scientific fields that contribute to the science and practice of anti-aging work?
Anti-aging draws upon traditional psychology, neuropsychology, positive psychology, neuroscience and the latest aging studies to identify what fosters living longer, being younger, healthier, and happier. The goal is to help people live well into their hundreds with vitality, purpose, and passion.

Anti-aging psychological based therapy helps people reframe how aging affects them. Anti-aging therapy addresses how to prevent, slow, or reverse the effects of aging. It includes the latest scientific research, e.g., the behavioral drivers affecting change, stress, and aging.

What is Anti-Aging Coaching?
The user-friendly coaching delivery model is used to meet the growing need for an affordable, accelerated, non-invasive, anti-aging treatment with no side effects available for all people. The evidence-based, intervention platform is based on a psychological foundation combining self-care coaching and neurocoaching that empowers the client to practice daily mental exercises to generate accelerated, measurable, sustainable self-change.

What  is the Brain-Mind-Body Continuum and how is it used Anti-Aging treatment?
Perceptual meta-self-awareness exercises are used to stimulate neural re-growth that generates change in the brain-mind-body continuum. The emphasis is on the brain-mind-body union generating measurable and sustainable mental, physiological and even spiritual enhancement with bottom line increases in performance, well-being, health and happiness.

How is Neurocoaching used in Anti-Aging treatment?
Neurocoaching falls under the umbrellas of natural health (including physical health – as our physiology can be re shaped by our thoughts) and mental health (including emotional fitness).

Neurocoaching is a fusion of cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology, cognitive neuroplasticity and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques (CBT -evidence-based psychological treatment).

Cutting edge, proven neurocoaching techniques, tools and neuro-behavioral change models of change are all evidence-based and have a proven track-record of generating positive, lasting results that can be measured.

Neurocoaching focuses on: 1) accessing the subconscious mind and, 2) the limbic section of the brain that provides the critical link to the brain-mind-body union and how we can affect neural and physiological changes.

What is The Self Transformational Change (STC) Model?
The evidence-based, proven STC Model uses Neurocoaching to open “windows of plasticity” and target specific domains of the brain’s structure and reset them to form greater connectivity and oversight. The objective of the targeted interventions is to have the participant achieve perceptual self-awareness and learn powerful, self-empowering, brain-mind-body change techniques for self-change.

Using the Self-Care Coaching model, clients are taught easy-to-use, practical, self-empowering neuropsychological techniques (mental exercises to practice once a day for 15 mins) that activate targeted innate brain-mind-body mechanisms
that re-build and strengthen the functional neural pathways relating to youthfulness, health and well-being.

What is Self-Care Coaching?
Self Care Coaching is the anti-aging agent remedy most people have been looking for. It empowers the client to manage and administer their own, customized, anti-aging treatment. It's the antidote to a healthier, stronger, vital life.. and it's sustainable.   

For all people, at various times in their life, a pit stop for Self Care is absolutely necessary.

Our mortal life is short enough as it is. Today, we now have choices to extend the quality and length of our life. It all starts with the realization that we are all worthy of self care and need it!

And..yes, we can all find the small amount of time for a pit stop to re-fuel and replenish what we need for the longer journey! 

Self-Care Coaching combined with Neurocoaching presents a once in a lifetime opportunity for qualified professionals to learn how to meet this ever growing specialist human services need.

How does an Anti-Aging Life Therapist help with everyday living?
Anti-Aging Life Therapists look at the big picture. Where are you having some challenges? Is there some behavioral pattern that we could help explore and exchange for a more beneficial behavioral driver? What can we do to help you maintain your youthfulness, performance and happiness levels?

NOTE: The kind of people our Anti-Aging Academy want to see as graduates have a heart to care for people and are going to be inventive enough to continue develop helpful and powerful solutions to manage aging better.

The Academy's invitational Anti-Aging Course provides an easy-to-follow, step-by-step, accelerated, intervention protocol and extensive ToolKit.

The proven, psychological techniques taught in the Course are based on cognitive neuroplasticity therapy*, which resets a person's mindset and rewires the brain's limbic system to re-build and strengthen the functional neural pathways relating to youthfulness, health and well-being.

The Foundational Science of the Course
Anti-Aging Therapist Career. Graduate Profile
The Evidence: Research Studies validating the Course's Techniques
The NeuroCoaching and Self-Care Coaching approach of the Course
Neuro Positive Age Coaching

Anti-Aging Therapy Course Modules
Anti-Aging Licensing Opportunities
Course Registration Form


The greatest medical breakthrough in recent years isn’t the creation of a new drug or treatment—it’s the re-discovery of how much our mindset affects our aging and health.


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